Thursday, November 13, 2008

Vibratory Health

What are the notes, intervals, time and beats of health giving sounds or music?

Sorry, I don't have those details as every case is different. What I do have are principles that if learned, understood and applied will reconstitute that condition known as "health":

"Health is harmony. Disease is discord." Keely

Harmony = balance = equilibrium in continuous interchange.

Health must have polarity and these polarities must interchange periodically. Without polarity there is death because lack of polarity is lack of that which makes life life; i.e., polar conflicts as in male/female, black/white, hot/cold, young/old, etc. Modern medicine does not recognize polarity which is a real shame on us all. Every cell of the body is polarized. Every organ in polarized. Every action of the body is polar; i.e., breathing in/out, heart beat contraction/expansion, blood flow out/back, etc. Disrupt these rhythmic motions and life ceases.

The ebb and flow of sound and music can reinforce these rhythms through synchronization, vibratory and oscillatory sympathy and entrainment. We tend to get sedentary and lose the natural polarization and rhythms of the body. ANY kind of rhythmic motion will assist in re-establishing natural vibrations and oscillations in the body and mind. Dance, massage, walking, running, swimming, breathing, chanting, music all reinforce the natural tones.

So to point to an answer to the original question it is all about CHORDS more than specific single tone frequencies. All tones are complex due to natural occurring harmonics. So even if one has good experiences with single tone frequencies it is an illusion because of the harmonics also being experienced at the same time and cannot be escaped although they can and often are ignored.

Read Walter Russell for conditions of harmony/heath and discord/disease, etc. To go even further read Phineas P. Quimby's writings on health as an EFFECT of one's thinking. His works are on the web and can be googled easily enough.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Word (Mind) of God

I do not disagree with you Tony. I just have a few more questions than most people permit themselves to entertain.

Take, for instance, a Bigger Picture...

How many stars are there in our galaxy called the Milky Way?
How many of those stars have occupied planets?
How many occupied planets are there in ONE galaxy?
How many galaxies are in this one photo (see above) of a teeny-weeny portion of our night sky?

How many of the countless peoples on these countless planets moving through countless galaxies have formed spiritual beliefs and written them down in their sacred texts?
How many of those countless texts would agree with each other?
Where would they agree and where would they differ?
Where and how did they get their "divine revelations"?

If you say they all got it from the same One Source then you have to explain how One Source/Entity can somewhat successfully communicate with all those countless people (in their own languages) independent of Time and Space. The only thing we know of that operates independently of Time and Space is Mind sometimes called consciousness and sometimes called undifferentiated or scalar waves by science. So could we then say God communicates to his peoples from His Mind and into their Consciousnesses? Would that be like so-called telepathy; i.e., direct communication from Divine Mind to maybe our 'Lesser Mind'? And what exactly is 'Mind' or 'Consciousness'? Is it "awareness" of self and no-self? Whatever it is is Mind not known to us via our thoughts? Are not then our thoughts a portion of our Minds? Are not then our thoughts an EXPRESSION of our Mind? Are not words an effect of our  thoughts? Therefore our words,  like our thoughts, are an expression of our  Mind.

So when a sacred text refers to the "Word of God" could it not be referring to an EXPRESSION of God? Is not the the word of God His expression? And can that Divine Expressioning take on different modes such as talking burning bushes (Moses) and thunderous disembodied voices, spontaneous revelation to consciousness (Peter), etc.?

My deeper feelings would have me question everything and suppose there is much more to this than we, sitting on this tiny and seemingly insignificant speck of dust in a back corner of our galaxy, could surmise from our all too brief view and contemplation of Time and Space and all that it means.