Saturday, March 29, 2008

Why is SVP so important?

In 1989 I was invited to present a paper on SVP at the Swiss Association for Free Energy. The conference was held in beautiful Einsiedeln, site of a famous monastery. The lecture I'd prepared had gotten filed away and forgotten until yesterday when I was discussing that conference with a friend. The paper was located earlier this morning and I have uploaded it to the web here.

1 comment:

Ally Eden said...

went to the link and read it and also clicked on the Monastary site,it must of been a real spiritual joy to be inside that beautiful home of Christ!
Yes SVP is to go to the root or within oneself to witness the phenonoma of nature and science combined. But it takes a conscious awareness to appreciate the blending of the two into One that physics opens to mind to understand it whole significance it plays in each's life as a connection from one to the other in our vary being and how we relate to eachother is the key to its hidden element that is already there universal in every atom of motion. The science is the harmonic nudge that awaits its proper signal.

Ally Eden